miercuri, 26 decembrie 2018

Merry Christmas, with love.

And like in a dream one day you wake up again in your bed, the one that used to be your bed. You are back in your home country, living with your parents again, the same people, the same streets. It is true? Your EVS is over.
In my On Arrival Training they told me how hard to adapt to a new country and how hard it is to re-adapt to your place once you are back. And it is real.
I won´t go to the school to make snowball fights with my kids anymore, they won’t came running after me to give me a hug, and I wont live under the same roof with the other volunteers neither and I will keep watching their Instagram stories in the place that once was also my home.

marți, 11 decembrie 2018

Stagiu de voluntariat in Spania

Apel voluntari! Cautam un voluntar disponibil pentru un stagiu de voluntariat de 12 luni in Spania (langa Madrid), incepand cu ianuarie 2019. Ecocompartimos, organizatia de gazduire, gestioneaza un magazin second hand si coordoneaza activitati educative cu copii din comunitate. Sarcinile voluntarului includ activitati non-formale cu copii, dar si activitati in magazin. Cei interesati pot obtine mai multe informatii la centrulgreentin@yahoo.com

vineri, 7 decembrie 2018

Exploring Romania

One thing that I’m sure is that this is the country I have explored the most by myself, really even more than Spain.
The flexibility of my project allowed me to travel a lot, and as the members of others NGO´s had different schedules, I did some of the trips alone, what was also a big challenge for me.
In Romania I had travel, by boat, by car, by train, I did hitchhiking, couchsurfing, finding the most complicated conventions in blablacar to get from Baia Mare to Craiova in the shorter time…
I visited so far every important city and I want to remember it.
With my first roommates we rented a car and did an amazing trip in the mountains, the road of Transalpina and Transfagarasan with those gorgeous views.
A friend from Spain came to visit me during my holidays, and we made a trip from Cluj to the Danube Delta crossing Romania from part to part by car and also the river by boat, I think is one of the most beautiful experiences I had.

5 Decembrie - Ziua Internationala a Voluntariatului

Am marcat Ziua Internationala a Voluntarului prin intermediul unui atelier de reciclare realizat cu elevii Scolii Gimnaziale Lucian Blaga din Baia Mare. In cadrul atelierului, voluntara EVS Esther Perez i-a invatat pe elevi cum sa transforme un pet intr-un ghiveci de flori. Spre seara, impreuna cu Fundatia de Voluntari Somaschi si cu YMCA, am participant la flashmob-ul - Diferiti, dar impreuna pentru o lume mai buna.

vineri, 2 noiembrie 2018

This is my life now

It’s been four months since I arrived to Romania, a lot of things happened, a lot of things changed. In myself, in my project.
As I increased my stay in the EVS while my roommates finished their project two months ago, suddenly was like starting again, new house, new roommates, new schedule…It wasn’t easy, I felt that I wasn´t home and then I was even further from home, it was like getting out from your comfort zone and then increase it even more. But from the beginning, I got used to it. I meet new people and had a lot of adventures and misadventures. Sometimes I try to imagine how had been my life if I just decided to go back home when my previous roommates did it too, but I think, I wouldn´t had learnt so much, almost nothing. Cause the beginning its excitement for a new country & new culture, but after two months, it becomes to be your life, not a short dream, you experience it very different, you have also daily routine and slow down to appreciate also the small things that are surrounding you.
Esther Perez - EVS volunteer
Volunteering&Sustainable Development II - Erasmus+

luni, 22 octombrie 2018

EVS in Maramures

In cadrul proiectului Volunteering&Sustainable Development II,  voluntara EVS Esther Perez Palao implementeaza activitati de educatie non-formala cu elevii Scolii Gimnaziale Oarta de Sus si ai Scolii Gimaziale Bicaz. Astfel, impreuna cu Esther elevii celor doua scoli au participat la ateliere de pictat tricouri, crafts sau la diverse jocuri in care s-au dezbatut concepte precum dezvoltarea durabila, drepturile omului,democratie.
Proiectul Volunteering&Sustainable Development II este finantat prin programul Erasmus+

marți, 9 octombrie 2018

It is hard to say goodbye to EVS

Looking back now it looks like everything went by really fast. What was initially a step into an unknown country has now shifted into a feeling of belonging to somewhere. Living here for two months has definitely left its mark on me and was now starting to feel like a home. From routines to more planned and scheduled activities, from hanging out with friends to having fun with the children, I was definitely getting accustomed to this life.
One of the major differences in comparison with my first month here was the relationship and the interaction with the children from our project. 

duminică, 23 septembrie 2018

Them, you, the youth

I never imagined myself as a teacher, is something that simply was not in my life plans, but suddenly everything changed, even the perspective of my own way.
Being with the kids in the different schools had made me realized how important it is the education, how in my past I never put myself in the skin of the professors I had, and how hard it is their job.
Education need of professionals that are willing to help, not for a salary to take home, but for really creating a change in the future of the society, children want to learn but they need to have fun and enjoy in the place they are. An environment where the creative and interacting skills can be developed and grown.
This is something that I learned thanks to this experience, and now I feel that I am good on this and I should find the way to keep being involved in the education field.
I am now organizing a youth exchange and also I applied to a training to become a trainer, inspired by the ones I had on my OAT (on arrival training) and the people and experiences I had here.
And I feel glad to discover this part of me.

Esther Pérez - EVS volunteer

Project – Volunteering&Sustainable Development II – Erasmus+ 

vineri, 31 august 2018

A month in EVS

Wow has it been already one month? I can barely remember the moment I went to the airport and said goodbye to my parents, was the same moment I met Belen, the other Spanish participant that was going to be my partner on the project, since then, a lot of things happened, meeting new people, amazing moments and cultural shocks, lots  of ``la revedere´´ & welcome parties, a bittersweet mix of feelings and experiences.
Doesn’t matter how much you research about the place where you are going, or even if you don´t do research at all (as me), because the EVS experience is going to be different for everyone.
Let´s be honest, there will be moments when you will feel homesick and you will miss your family & friends and you just want to go back home, but you will also find yourself thought this experience.
You will arrive to a new world, with a completely different language, food, culture, history, background & reality!
But you will find the kindest souls willing to help you even when you don´t know a single word in their language and you are completely lost, you may receive a hug from a kid that you met half an hour ago and that cannot even pronounce your name properly and you will think `` all of this was worthy´´ .

vineri, 17 august 2018

Volunteering&Sustainable Development II - in Oarta de Jos

Cei cinci voluntari gazduiti de Centrul Greentin in cadrul proiectului Volunteering&Sustainable Development II, Anna (Italia), Alice (Italia), Belen (Spania), Esther (Spania) si João (Portugalia), au organizat activitati cu copii si tinerii din Oarta de jos. Activitatile au fost organizate in cadrul parteneriatului incheiat cu Scoala Gimnaziala Oarta de Sus. Profesorul coordonator a fost Iulia Gherman.

luni, 6 august 2018

What’s EVS?

It is an experience of intercultural learning of European Union with a very high educational value. Our project focus on the sustainable development, gives us the possibility to stay in direct contact with the local people, rich of story and different culture, and learn Romanian language.
When we are arrived in Romania, exactly in Baia Mare, we felt a little bit strange because we have been catapulted into a totally different reality than the one we were used to. Different language, different use, different tradition and conception of help.  
Before to arrive in Romania we didn’t know a lot about this country, for sure we didn’t imagine how beautiful and rich of experience to live is, we didn’t imagine that local people where so helpful with strangers and willing to help us even with the language barrier.
The city of Baia Mare is full of volunteer coming from different Nations in Europe and this give us the possibility to learn different things about different people.
Free time is an opportunity to travel around, use hitchhiking because drivers have no problem to give a ride. This is one of the things that surprised; the simplicity with which one helps the others and with which relationships are established.
To everyone who loves to travel we would suggest to come to Romania without thinking twice, we’ve been here for one month, we had the chance to travel, and if we had to summarize Romania in few words we would say: green country, amazing cities and villages, festivals, a lot of young people, helpful community and much desire to improve and develop.

Alice Bassan & Anna Carleo – EVS volunteers
Project – Volunteering&Sustainable Development II – Erasmus+

joi, 29 martie 2018

Ecologizare - Scoala Altfel

Activitati outdoor si de ecologizare cu ocazia saptamanii "Scoala Altfel". Elevii claselor a V-a si a VI-a ai Scolii Gimnaziale Chelinta s-au implicat intr-o actiune de ecologizare. Activitatea a fost organizata in cadrul Scolii Altfel, impreuna cu profesorul coordonator Ancuta Coste.

22 Martie, Ziua Mondiala a Apei

Centrul pentru Dezvoltare Durabila Greentin a sarbatorit Ziua Mondiala a Apei alaturi de Sistemul de Gospodarire a Apelor Maramures. Activitatile au debutat vineri, 16 martie, ora 11:00, la Scoala Gimnaziala Oarta de Sus. Elevii au vizionat filmulete cu tematica de mediu si au participat la activitati de educatie non-formala, si au continuat joi, 22 martie, ora 11:00 la Scoala Gimnaziala Finteusu Mic. Tema Zilei Mondiale a Apei pentru anul 2018 a fost “Natura pentru apa”.

luni, 12 martie 2018

Hugging Equality - Schimb de tineri in Spania

Selectam participanti! Centrul pentru Dezvoltare Durabila Greentin cauta participanti, cu varste cuprinse intre 13-15 ani si 18-24 ani, pentru un schimb de tineri in Toledo (Spania), in perioada 02.07-09.07.2018. Hugging Equality se adreseaza tinerilor interesati de combaterea stereotipurilor si a discriminarilor de gen. 

Pentru mai multe informatii si inscrieri ne puteti scrie la adresa de email: centrulgreentin@yahoo.com.