miercuri, 30 octombrie 2019

EVS - ON Arrival - my subject

EVS on Arrival Training is my subject for today we were fifty two people like always the only Tunisian and for sure a lot of Turkish.
We had a lot of workshop sometimes boring sometimes funny  emotional in others my best was the cultural differences we had to split in teams and I like working in teams we were five volunteering  Tunisian, Armenian, Argentina, Spanish and the last one from Denmark .

marți, 15 octombrie 2019

TYPS - Horse Assisted Education

In perioada 10-13.10.2019, a avut loc in Tarnobrzeg (Polonia) al doilea training inclus in cadrul proiectului Typs. In cadrul trainingului 12 lucratori de tineret din cadrul celor trei organizatii – Greentin, Ecocompartimos, Esteka (cate 4 din fiecare organizatie partenera) au invatat noi metode pe care sa le aplice in activitatile de tineret. Coordonatorul activitatii, Horse Assisted Education a fost Esteka.
Proiectul Typs a fost finantat prin intermediul programului Erasmus+

 W dniach 10-13.10.2019 r. W Tarnobrzegu (Polska) odbyło się drugie szkolenie w ramach projektu Typs. Podczas tego szkolenia 12 pracowników młodzieżowych (po 4 dla każdej organizacji) uczyło się nowych metod edukacji poza formalnej celem zastosowania ich w pracy z młodzieżą. Koordynatorem działania programu szkoleniowego metoda Horse Assisted Education było stowarzyszenie Esteka.

Projekt Typs został sfinansowany przez Program Erasmus +

First steps into emotional intelligence

October is the Emotional Intelligence Awareness Month and to start a journey to develop emotional intelligence, we should first understand the concept and its importance.

In simple terms, emotional intelligence is the ability to recognise and manage emotions, our own and from others, while, intellectual intelligence, measured by the IQ, refers to the ability to learn, understand and process information. There is no strict correlation between them, which means people can have high IQs and low emotional intelligence, vice versa and even high score in both or neither.

marți, 8 octombrie 2019

Time flies

Time flies! I already have been here for two months! When I first arrived in Baia Mare, I was so nervous. However, when I got yellow house, I realized that there was nothing to be nervous about. The other volunteers welcomed me very nicely and I had the feeling that everything was gonna be alright. The day after I have arrived, we had some activities in library with the children from Foster house. When you put a smile on child's face, you become the happiest person in the world. This is what I felt in the second day. Those smiles and warm hugs took my tiredness away and I had the feeling that I was ready for this volunteering experience for 10 months.
In the second week, we went to rural school which was in Asuaju de Sus. The age of students in the school was between 7 and 13. Because it was still summer holiday, we had some outdoor activities. Taught them how to make a bird from origami, played games and at the end put the smile on their 
faces, with so many hugs of course
After a week, we joint VoluHub. VoluHub was an event that Yellow Shirts Association has organized.