marți, 23 aprilie 2019

Ziua Pamantului - sarbatorita de Scoala Gimnaziala Chelinta

 Cu ocazia ,,Zilei Pamantului” 22 aprilie, un grup de elevi de la Scoala Gimnaziala Chelinta, insotiti de doamna directoare Carmen Moldova, Ancuta Coste (prof. Biologie), Anamaria Codreanu (prof. Geografie-Istorie) si doamna bibliotecara Angela Morar, au participat la impadurirea unei zone din localitatea Chelinta. Puietii de brad au fost asigurati de către Ocolul Silvic Somcuta Mare. Cu aceasta ocazie s-a incheiat si un contract de colaborare in scopul asigurarii cadrului legal de cooperare intre partenerii implicati in aceasta activitate, astfel incat asemenea activitati sa se mai implementeze pe parcursului anului școlar 2019-2020.

luni, 22 aprilie 2019

In Bicaz and Oarta, we are now an integral part of the daily lives

 I am getting closer to half of my EVS and I have already seen a lot in Romania. Not only geographically but also personally within my project. Now we have a pretty full schedule and we are going to school on the village every Monday and Thursday as well as at the beginning but now we also go to high school on Tuesday and Wednesday. The high school is a way for us to carry out interactive and non-formal activities with students, since most of the time we have freedom to choose our activities. This allows us to share with students topics that are important to us and to try to open their minds to reflection. We are also investing in a project bringing together several local and international volunteers to promote voting in the upcoming European elections. After several weeks of preparation, the project is beginning to come to life through promotional events in academic institutions and soon public events. 

vineri, 12 aprilie 2019

Non-verbal communication can connect more than you would expect

I am starting to believe that the time difference between Portugal and Romania is not only add or subtract 2 hours but changing the length of one hour, one day or the 3 months since I am here. Maybe it wasn’t my best rational conclusion, but it was the one I found to explain how the time is speeding in Baia Mare.  Updating you, the activities in the schools Bicaz and Oarta de Sus are going well, and the children are still very happy to see us. I think that the personalize handshake, inside jokes and the run to the door demonstrates that even in a sometimes-non-verbal communication you can connect more than you would expect.

marți, 2 aprilie 2019

Typs – Training youth to plan success

In perioada 29-31.03.2019, liderii celor trei organizatii partenere (Greentin, Ecocompartimos, Esteka) in proiectul strategic Typs – Training youth to plan success s-au intalnit in Cluj Napoca Romania pentru a lansa primul proiect strategic implementat in cadrul acestui parteneriat.
Proiectul Typs a fost finantat prin intermediul programului Erasmus+

Del 29 al 31 de marzo de 2019, las líderes de las tres organizaciones socias (Greentin, Ecocompartimos y Esteka) de este proyecto llamado TYPS - Training youth to plan success, se reunieron en Cluj Napoca, Rumanía para preparar el comienzo del primer proyecto estratégio que van a realizar juntas.

Este proyecto está financiado por Erasmus+