vineri, 28 octombrie 2016

My EVS in Romania

Article by Dora Tatar-Kis - EVS volunteer

Now it’s the time to say good bye to Baia Mare and Romania. But how can I say good bye to the place which was my home for 2 month? Now I think Baia Mare will be my second home forever. This city and this country gave me my best experience in my whole life. I met with incredible people from all around Europe and of course with the very kind romanian people. I will take home with me little pieces from each of them. It was a big journey for me because I have learnt a lot about myself, how to be patient, confident, open-minded and love each other without stereotypes. I’m so lucky because I visited other cities in Romania and I have learnt about culture and I’m so grateful that I could explore this beautiful country. Now I’m sure that I will come back and visit other places in Romania because you can’t travel enough and this is the best way to discover other places. Before my EVS I asked myself why Romania? And I said:  Why not? Because I’m hungarian and I need to hate Romania because of the history in the past? I don’t want to live in the past, just carpe  diem. I receive a lot of kindness and help from Romanian people and I hope if I will talk about my experience in Romania to the Hungarians, it will help to brin g close together these two nations.
My best advice to those people who are thinking about EVS – not think about it, Just Do It, Romania is waiting for you!
Multumesc Romania.
La revedere.

Keep Calm and EVS

Article by Elena Friso - EVS volunteer

Mostly of the people that decide to leave for an EVS programme don’t know the exactly reason for which they are moving, what they can find and which kind of experience they are going to live. The only certainty is a luggage full of things that you can need during their period abroad. You don’t know exactly what could be necessary but running the experience you start understanding that the real and important necessary things are around you and that when you’re coming back your luggage is full of new useful tools.
The first tool that you start to put inside your EVS luggage is “sharing”. Since the beginning you share time and space with people from different countries, from different culture and with different background but you also start sharing the reasons for which you find yourself away with others. You don’t know exactly what you are going to discover but together everything is possible.
Everything is possible because you understand that for your experience you need “being open mind”. Living away you commence to knock down mental barriers about you, your culture and the once of the others. You start to feel part of one world where the borders are just political and historical prejudice that until that moment prevented you to be and feel a better person.

Until the moment you leave for your project probably you just have heard about “seeker of adventure” without understanding the real meaning. Your home is not going to be just a building anymore but a way of living. Since you starting moment plan everything you would like to do and especially try to discover everything: places, peoples, cultures and activities. Everywhere you are going to do your EVS don’t limit yourself to stay just in one place: make a good use of your opportunity and start exploring for sure you will never end.

“EVSing” you become a richest person in values, in skills and in friends. You start to have another vision of your future and of your life, you decide to plan something new for your life path that may be, after your EVS, you decide not covering alone anymore. It will be a travel from which you’re not coming back again: you’ll bring your new luggage, every time, every day, everywhere with you.

luni, 12 septembrie 2016

Voluntariat pentru incluziune, la Fundatia de Voluntari Somaschi

By Volkan Güney - EVS volunteer

First of all i would like to thank Erasmus Plus Program.This Program allowed me to see so many countries,cultures,i've gain so many skills and also learn so many thing.I kept search about this program and i have seen that the program also allowing you to do volunteering in abroad by European Voluntary Service(EVS).
  When i applied for this Evs opportunity in Turkey, i was not so sure if i would like to go to Romania.Because 2 years ago i've come Caracal/Romania for Erasmus Plus Youth Exchange Programme for only one week.
I've seen only Bucharest for one day and Caracal was so small city,so finally i had a bad view of Romania in my mind untill the Evs.When i see Baia Mare i really liked this city and also until now i had chance to see some other city and i also liked it.Now i see Romania as a beautiful country.
  There was another another thing that is not clear before arriving Romania.I didnt have chance to meet my colleagues before project therefore i didnt know the people i ll spend 2 months together.When i met them , i was relieved because they were nice..Now i have good friends from 3 different countiries.My colleagues and our coordinators are organizing all the activities together.
  I didnt have many chance to take care of children in my country and here in my project we are almost  everyday with children from Roma communities ,kindergarten and day care center.These activities with children are more pleasant than i thought.The only difficult activity for me visiting roma communities.It was a big challenge.But to see this kind of places was a big experience for me.
  The money from european commission for the basic expenses are well calculated and its quite enough to me.I didnt have a problem about money during the project.But this depends on what  organization you are working with.In my case our coordinators have reimbursed us on time
  We have flexible hours of working.Each monday people from the project are meeting and deciding what we are going to do during the week.Somedays we work a few hours , somedays it can be many hours.During the weekend we have chance to see some near cities of Romania.

  My project is 2 months short term EVS project.After this project i can do 10 months more as a long term evs and this in my list to do in the future.

joi, 21 aprilie 2016

Scoala Altfel - In Natura

Cu ocazia programului "Scoala Altfel", asociatia Centru pentru Dezvoltare Durabila Greentin in parteneriat cu Liceul Tehnologic "Traian Vuia" din Tautii Magheraus au organizat o serie de iesiri in natura, cu sprijinul institutiilor publice din domeniu.
Luni, 18 aprilie, Sistemul de Gospodarire a Apelor Maramures a dat startul activitatilor printr-o vizită la Acumularea Stramtori-Firiza si Nodul de Presiune. La eveniment au participat elevi din clasele a V-a si a VII-a alaturi de profesorii coordonatori Adriana Croitoru, Olimpia Marina si Gabriela Nicoara.
Joi, 21 aprilie, clasa a V-a, insotiti de reprezentanti ai Ocolului Silvic Baia Mare, au vizitat aria protejata Arboretul de Castan Comestibil de la Baia Mare. Inginerii silvici Nicolae Pop si Calin Doia le-au explicat elevilor despre cancerul de scoarta cu care se confrunta castanul comestibil, dar si despre tratamentele aplicate. La sediul Ocolului Silvic Baia Mare, cei mici au descoperit brazi in diferite stadii de dezvoltare.

Prin intermediul acestor activitati, Centrul Greentin isi propune sa prezinte elevilor resursele naturale de care dispune judetul, dar si institutiile publice responsabile de gestionarea acestor resurse.