Multiculturalism is defined as how a
society deals with cultural diversity, both at the national and the community
level according to many sociologists. It is a heterogeneous society in which
people coexist but retain at least some of the unique characteristics of their
traditional culture. It is the key to achieving a high degree of cultural
diversity. Diversity occurs when people of different races, nationalities,
religions, ethnicities, and philosophies come together to form a community. A
truly diverse society is one that recognizes and values the cultural
differences in its people. I live in a flat with other 4 volunteers from
Azerbaijan, Portugal, Spain and Tunisia. I would like to define us as a mixed
salad bowl with different cultures and unique characteristics.
vineri, 20 decembrie 2019
marți, 10 decembrie 2019
what kind of future this humanity will get in the absence of awareness, culture and education
Am I being held in the same
vortex of the corrupt educational system I experienced in Tunisia?
Do the children get better
Are we really helping them or
pushing them into the unknown?
After four months in Romania and
after working with variety of students those questions possessed me. Was the international day of the Arabic child, last month. As an Arabic girl I remembered the children of
Palestine, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Iraq and all the marginalized children in the
world. My big concern is how to benefit the maximum from this experience to be
able later to help the Arabic children with what I learned.
miercuri, 27 noiembrie 2019
Multumesc pentru tot!
Enumerate all the things that this experience has given
me is a difficult process. It’s been almost 11 remarkable months of adventures
while living and discovering a different country. I had the chance to travel, to
develop new language skills, to have new experiences and to meet amazing people.
Most of this experience and memories are defined by the
people I cross path with…The children and young people that welcomed me from
the first day and since then always excepting us with a smile, hug or eager to
tell us something. The coordinator, mentor and people involved in the project that
supported me in everything during this time and that made the activities and
this experience really enjoyable.
luni, 25 noiembrie 2019
no matter how different we are, it is never too late to communicate
I am now on the half way of my
volunteering experience. I met a lot of people from different
countries and
cultures, some I liked some I didn't. As a person I accept people to be part of
my life with the condition to have a lot of things in common r, I don’t know if
this is right or wrong.
Me and my roommate we didn’t have
a good relationship, we stayed in the same room but we never said even good
morning to each other. We barely talked. We have never communicated to solve
the problem. We only sent negative waves.
luni, 18 noiembrie 2019
Volunteering for who?
hard to believe that I have been here for four months already. I had lived
abroad before and also did so many volunteering projects with disadvantaged
children before. However, I have never felt that I could actually ‘touch
someone’s life, that dense. Here, in my project building communities through
volunteering, I have the feeling that volunteering can change someone’s life.
high school, I have been volunteered in different associations and the
experiences I have made me the person I am now. Volunteerism is a dialectical
relationship and transforms while interacting on both sides. The aspect of life
that we never had a chance to learn before, or already forgotten how to learn
is taught us by the children. Having expectations is not an obstacle on the way
of happiness, in fact making a smile on a child dispels all the expectations.
It helps you how to have fewer expectations from life and live in the present.
duminică, 17 noiembrie 2019
First days in Baia Mare
The week before I came
to Baia Mare, I was so anxious because I didn´t know which experiences were
waiting for me. When I arrived to my
new home I was tired and there were a lot of people in the kitchen that
impressed me. First days I met so
many people and I started making new friends like Tânia and Alejandro- Tania is
in the same project as me and lives with me. In the house we are 7 people from
different countries and cultures.
The first day of
school I felt so nervous because I didn´t know how the children were going to
react when they meet me. However, when I arrived everyone welcomed me very
warmly and they asked me my name and how I was which made me very happy.
miercuri, 30 octombrie 2019
EVS - ON Arrival - my subject
EVS on Arrival Training is my subject for today we were
fifty two people like always the only Tunisian and for sure a lot of Turkish.
We had a lot of workshop sometimes boring sometimes
funny emotional in others my best was
the cultural differences we had to split in teams and I like working in teams
we were five volunteering Tunisian, Armenian, Argentina, Spanish and the last one from Denmark .
marți, 15 octombrie 2019
TYPS - Horse Assisted Education
In perioada 10-13.10.2019, a
avut loc in Tarnobrzeg (Polonia) al doilea training inclus in cadrul
proiectului Typs. In cadrul trainingului 12 lucratori de tineret din cadrul
celor trei organizatii – Greentin, Ecocompartimos, Esteka (cate 4 din fiecare
organizatie partenera) au invatat noi metode pe care sa le aplice in
activitatile de tineret. Coordonatorul activitatii, Horse Assisted Education a fost Esteka.
Proiectul Typs a fost
finantat prin intermediul programului Erasmus+
Projekt Typs został sfinansowany przez Program Erasmus +
First steps into emotional intelligence
October is the Emotional Intelligence Awareness Month
and to start a journey to develop emotional intelligence, we should first
understand the concept and its importance.
In simple
terms, emotional intelligence is the ability to recognise and manage emotions,
our own and from others, while, intellectual intelligence, measured by the IQ, refers to the
ability to learn, understand and process information. There is no strict correlation
between them, which means people can have high IQs and low emotional
intelligence, vice versa and even high score in both or neither.
marți, 8 octombrie 2019
Time flies
flies! I already have been here for two months! When I first arrived in Baia
Mare, I was so nervous. However, when I got yellow house, I realized that there
was nothing to be nervous about. The other volunteers welcomed me very nicely
and I had the feeling that everything was gonna be alright. The day after I
have arrived, we had some activities in library with the children from Foster
house. When you put a smile on child's face, you become the happiest person in
the world. This is what I felt in the second day. Those smiles and warm hugs
took my tiredness away and I had the feeling that I was ready for this
volunteering experience for 10 months.
In the second
week, we went to rural school which was in Asuaju de Sus. The age of students
in the school was between 7 and 13. Because it was still summer holiday, we
had some outdoor activities. Taught them how to make a bird from origami,
played games and at the end put the smile on their
faces, with so many hugs of
After a week,
we joint VoluHub. VoluHub was an event that Yellow Shirts Association has
luni, 23 septembrie 2019
Saving the world could start with giving better future for one child
This is my second article I have
already started meeting the village school students and being a
part of their
journey this year. At first I thought it is another experience to learn more
about the non-formal education but I crushed with the same educational system
that I left and I hated in Tunisia. An educational system that is not
commensurate with them surroundings, aspiration and reality. A system that
doesn't provide the simplest conditions and doesn’t considering their
situation, their needs and ambition. I saw a boy in the school with a lot of
wounds in his hand from working, others
with special needs they have a problem of focusing they need more time to understand
and they don t have the same capacity of learning like others.miercuri, 4 septembrie 2019
Reflection time!
I have to admit that this time, I had to
resort to my calendar and photo gallery to recap everything that happened in
these last 2 months. I had the impression that it was too much to be all during
this period. But no, also for my surprise, all happen since last time I wrote.
Scheduled in my calendar were Paraglider,
School summer activities, a reminder for my cat annual vaccine (and yes, she
didn´t love it but it was taken care of), MythBusters events, Electric Castle
Festival, Youth Exchange, more days of school summer activities, several
cultural events, Volu-HUB workshop and a Road-trip in Romania. And a lot more
of daily plans happen that didn’t even get to the calendar. So, I will try to resume all of this. Summer was
a time in which we organized and participated in a lot of different activities,
events and projects.
luni, 2 septembrie 2019
La revedere, Baia Mare!
Yes, I am in Baia Mare for 8 months now and it is the end of my volunteer project. During these 8
months, I did and saw so many things I didn't expect before I came here! But for me, the best part of
erasmus+ volunteering is meeting new people from all over Europe and living abroad. This is a
great opportunity to discover Europe.
When I arrived, I didn't imagine that I would have to speak so much English. I lived most of my
EVS in an apartment of 8 people. None of my roommates spoke my mother tongue until the last
month. The diversity of nationalities of the volunteers in my apartment and in Baia Mare has helped
me a lot to learn English. I came with a very low level of English and I have progressed in this
language with foreigners, like myself. It's easier it seems to me and it's also fun to be able to
practice with different accents.
Before coming here, I knew nothing about Romania and I made many discoveries. I will keep very
good memories of my EVS in Romania and if I had to do it again, I would do it.
sâmbătă, 17 august 2019
Efforts to listen, understand and tolerate - essential values in a world where multiculturalism is increasingly present
From 24th of July to the 31st
of August we took part of a Youth Exchange in Nistru with groups of young people from different
countries. There we participated to the project « EqualityIsFor
Everyone » with 24 youngs aged 13 to 21 from Macedonian, Spanish, Romanian and Finnish.
Gathered around the theme of equality and
equity, we spent seven days together. The program was full of interesting and
original activities (creative workshops, debates, role plays , cultural
evenings, etc.), in a fantastic atmosphere and rich in our cultural diversity.
Young Europeans also visited symbolic place such as the Communist Memorial in
Sighetu Marmatiei.
joi, 1 august 2019
Two flights twelve hours in train and here I am
Two flights twelve hours in train
and here I am in Baia Mare for ten months of volunteering.
I’m a Tunisian girl coming from very different
culture, traditional and for sure very different weather looking for a new
experience. Cascada Cailor descent the river was one of this experience
suspense than a lot of fear Adrenaline but amazing experience yes it was only
for fez hours but with huge impact on me. Yes I was afraid maybe I cried a
little bit but I did it, it wasn’t perfect and there isn’t such thing called
perfection. I faced my fear, I finished all the way down it was hard but I did
it I had the courage the strength to believe in myself. I’m so proud of me, more confident and for
sure I will do it again. Also the school started now I’m looking forward to
work with them and to bring a smile to their life and to help them to have a
better future.Khadija Kamassi, volunteer in the project BCV - Building communities through volunteering
supported by Erasmus+
luni, 1 iulie 2019
My life be like
I have already completed my mid-term in Paiova Brasov and this means that more than half of my
voluntary service has already elapsed. This training was really designed to take stock of our project,
our life and the changes in our way of seeing things. It was also an opportunity to visit Brasov and
meet new volunteers. It made me realize how fast time has passed since I arrived in Romania. I was
also able to analyse everything I have been able to do so far.
The mid-term marked a turning point in our activities within the association, since our return we
celebrated the end of the school with the graduation ceremonies in Bicaz and Oarta. We were able
to participate in the festivities of the 8th grades and see how our Romanian friends are celebrating
this very important event, who means a lot to them.
vineri, 28 iunie 2019
Summer is (almost) here!
Last weeks in
Baia Mare have been similar to a tropical climate, very hot and raining on the
same day. And as the weather also our project is in a moment of change. The school year
ended and with it also our regular presence in the classroom and as so our work,
schedule and type of activities are changing. In the last week
of school, we were able to witness the traditions, rituals and celebrations at
the end of the school year that for me was totally new and a pleasure to be part
of. For now, it is
time to re-think and start to plan our Summer’ activities that will give us the
flexibility of time and autonomy to develop even more our own activities and to
be with the children in a different context.
joi, 6 iunie 2019
Typs from business area
In perioada 1-4.05.2019, a
avut loc in Toledo (Spania) primul training inclus in cadrul proiectului Typs.
In cadrul trainingului 12 lucratori de tineret din cadrul celor trei
organizatii – Greentin, Ecocompartimos, Esteka (cate 4 din fiecare organizatie
partenera) au invatat noi metode pe care sa le aplice in activitatile de
tineret. Coordonatorul activitatii a fost Ecocompartimos, care a pregatit un
training bazat pe metode folosite in managementul afacerilor.
Proiectul Typs a fost
finantat prin intermediul programului Erasmus+
Del 1 al 4 de mayo de 2019, tuvo lugar la primera formación para trabajadores juveniles del proyecto TYPS en Toledo, España. En esta formación participaron 12 trabajadores juveniles, 4 de cada organización y tuvieron la oportunidad de aprender métodos no formales que podrán aplicar en los jóvenes con los que trabajan. La coordinadora de la actividad fue Ecocompartimos y la formación se enfocó en el área financiera y de negocios de una organización.
El proyecto TYPS está financiado por Erasmus+
vineri, 24 mai 2019
5 Reasons why you should vote! by a young European citizen
1 - You may not care now, but you might in a couple of months.
2 – Recognize the influence of the European Parliament. Elected
to five years the European Parliament is a major player in the European Union’s
decision-making process. And it is the only institution whose powers have grown
continuously over the last thirty years. The European Parliament makes big
decisions: from how to develop the economy to ensure that the food we eat is
safe, from how to reduce youth unemployment to data protection. Your vote gives
you the voice to direct EU in the path you agree with.
joi, 23 mai 2019
Reflection on the European Picnic
you know, last Friday we were on Campul Tineretului with other
volunteers from YMCA and Somaschi sharing European values while
promoting the vote for the European Union elections.
having some amazing European food, we also planned and took an EU
board game to fight the lack of information about the European Union
and raise awareness about the voting process. To show that with
voting our voice is heard, we encouraged people to write down their
opinion about the European Union and to be part of a “Yes or No”
poll with some current topics.
miercuri, 15 mai 2019

marți, 23 aprilie 2019
Ziua Pamantului - sarbatorita de Scoala Gimnaziala Chelinta

Cu ocazia ,,Zilei Pamantului” 22 aprilie, un grup de elevi de la Scoala Gimnaziala Chelinta, insotiti de doamna directoare Carmen Moldova, Ancuta Coste (prof. Biologie), Anamaria Codreanu (prof. Geografie-Istorie) si doamna bibliotecara Angela Morar, au participat la impadurirea unei zone din localitatea Chelinta. Puietii de brad au fost asigurati de către Ocolul Silvic Somcuta Mare. Cu aceasta ocazie s-a incheiat si un contract de colaborare in scopul asigurarii cadrului legal de cooperare intre partenerii implicati in aceasta activitate, astfel incat asemenea activitati sa se mai implementeze pe parcursului anului școlar 2019-2020.
luni, 22 aprilie 2019
In Bicaz and Oarta, we are now an integral part of the daily lives
I am getting closer to half of my EVS and I have already seen a lot in Romania. Not only
geographically but also personally within my project. Now we have a pretty full schedule and
we are going to school on the village every Monday and Thursday as well as at the
beginning but now we also go to high school on Tuesday and Wednesday. The high school
is a way for us to carry out interactive and non-formal activities with students, since most
of the time we have freedom to choose our activities. This allows us to share with students
topics that are important to us and to try to open their minds to reflection.
We are also investing in a project bringing together several local and international
volunteers to promote voting in the upcoming European elections. After several weeks of
preparation, the project is beginning to come to life through promotional events in
academic institutions and soon public events.
vineri, 12 aprilie 2019
Non-verbal communication can connect more than you would expect
I am starting to believe that the time difference
between Portugal and Romania is not only add or subtract 2 hours but changing
the length of one hour, one day or the 3 months since I am here. Maybe it
wasn’t my best rational conclusion, but it was the one I found to explain how
the time is speeding in Baia Mare. Updating
you, the activities in the schools Bicaz and Oarta de Sus are going well, and
the children are still very happy to see us. I think that the personalize
handshake, inside jokes and the run to the door demonstrates that even in a
sometimes-non-verbal communication you can connect more than you would expect.
marți, 2 aprilie 2019
Typs – Training youth to plan success
In perioada 29-31.03.2019,
liderii celor trei organizatii partenere (Greentin, Ecocompartimos, Esteka) in
proiectul strategic Typs – Training youth to plan success s-au intalnit in Cluj
Napoca Romania pentru a lansa primul proiect strategic implementat in cadrul
acestui parteneriat.
Proiectul Typs a fost
finantat prin intermediul programului Erasmus+
Del 29 al 31 de marzo de 2019, las líderes de las tres organizaciones socias (Greentin, Ecocompartimos y Esteka) de este proyecto llamado TYPS - Training youth to plan success, se reunieron en Cluj Napoca, Rumanía para preparar el comienzo del primer proyecto estratégio que van a realizar juntas.
Este proyecto está financiado por Erasmus+
vineri, 22 martie 2019
Water for all!
World Water Day is on March 22nd and is the day to bring light on the fact that right now, 2.1 billion people live without safe water at home.
To draw
attention to the importance of water, we marked this day through a visit of the
Firiza Dam.
We spent the
day together with the students of Gimnaziale Oarta de Sus and Gimnaziale Bicaz
School students learning about the installations of the Dam.
With the help
of Sistemul de Gospodarire a Apelor Maramures we also have the opportunity to
observe some organisms and perform analyzes of the water.
Tânia Alves - volunteer- in the project BCV - Building communities through volunteering - funded by ERASMUS +
luni, 18 februarie 2019
Chapter 1 of 8 Months
I’ve been in
Baia Mare for one month now. Although in the begining I was still adapting to
this new adventure, in here I felt at ease. So far, in general, I feel quite
comfortable because I was welcomed with open arms in all the situations whether
in the organization or with other volunteers in the city or in the schools,
where from the first day we were received with shy smiles and hugs. Last
week, the other volunteers and I went to Bucharest for the On-Arrival Training
for 5 busy days. It was a unique week full of emotion, knowledge, new
interesting people and fun.
It is now one month....
Theo Moya - volunteer
in the project BCV - Building communities through volunteering - funded by ERASMUS +
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