miercuri, 30 octombrie 2019

EVS - ON Arrival - my subject

EVS on Arrival Training is my subject for today we were fifty two people like always the only Tunisian and for sure a lot of Turkish.
We had a lot of workshop sometimes boring sometimes funny  emotional in others my best was the cultural differences we had to split in teams and I like working in teams we were five volunteering  Tunisian, Armenian, Argentina, Spanish and the last one from Denmark .

We had a lot of subject to talk about them one of them was older peopl
As a Tunisian older people mean holiness and wisdom they live in the same house with their children
if a Tunisian takes his parents to the elderly house he will leave in shame all his life.
In Denmark the normal act will be for older people to automatically go and live in elderly house and receive visited in birthdays or some fetes.
Then for other subject was animals in Tunisia animals barely survive for this subject the Danish boy was very intense he said no one touch my dog I walked him every day I don’t trust  anyone to take care of him it is my pet.
That was a cultural shock for me since that conversation and I m thinking which one is more important human been or animals or both of them are important and we need to take care of both of them with the same level of tolerance. 

Khadija Khammasi -  volunteer in the project BCV - Bulding communties through volunteering - funded by Erasmus+

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