miercuri, 26 decembrie 2018

Merry Christmas, with love.

And like in a dream one day you wake up again in your bed, the one that used to be your bed. You are back in your home country, living with your parents again, the same people, the same streets. It is true? Your EVS is over.
In my On Arrival Training they told me how hard to adapt to a new country and how hard it is to re-adapt to your place once you are back. And it is real.
I won´t go to the school to make snowball fights with my kids anymore, they won’t came running after me to give me a hug, and I wont live under the same roof with the other volunteers neither and I will keep watching their Instagram stories in the place that once was also my home.

marți, 11 decembrie 2018

Stagiu de voluntariat in Spania

Apel voluntari! Cautam un voluntar disponibil pentru un stagiu de voluntariat de 12 luni in Spania (langa Madrid), incepand cu ianuarie 2019. Ecocompartimos, organizatia de gazduire, gestioneaza un magazin second hand si coordoneaza activitati educative cu copii din comunitate. Sarcinile voluntarului includ activitati non-formale cu copii, dar si activitati in magazin. Cei interesati pot obtine mai multe informatii la centrulgreentin@yahoo.com

vineri, 7 decembrie 2018

Exploring Romania

One thing that I’m sure is that this is the country I have explored the most by myself, really even more than Spain.
The flexibility of my project allowed me to travel a lot, and as the members of others NGO´s had different schedules, I did some of the trips alone, what was also a big challenge for me.
In Romania I had travel, by boat, by car, by train, I did hitchhiking, couchsurfing, finding the most complicated conventions in blablacar to get from Baia Mare to Craiova in the shorter time…
I visited so far every important city and I want to remember it.
With my first roommates we rented a car and did an amazing trip in the mountains, the road of Transalpina and Transfagarasan with those gorgeous views.
A friend from Spain came to visit me during my holidays, and we made a trip from Cluj to the Danube Delta crossing Romania from part to part by car and also the river by boat, I think is one of the most beautiful experiences I had.

5 Decembrie - Ziua Internationala a Voluntariatului

Am marcat Ziua Internationala a Voluntarului prin intermediul unui atelier de reciclare realizat cu elevii Scolii Gimnaziale Lucian Blaga din Baia Mare. In cadrul atelierului, voluntara EVS Esther Perez i-a invatat pe elevi cum sa transforme un pet intr-un ghiveci de flori. Spre seara, impreuna cu Fundatia de Voluntari Somaschi si cu YMCA, am participant la flashmob-ul - Diferiti, dar impreuna pentru o lume mai buna.