We started the month of March having to do two weeks of quarantine,
because, unfortunately, Gönül was infected with Covid. Althoug, sometimes, not
be able to leave the house made me a little sad, but having activities to plan
and prepare for made it easier. It was also fun to do the quarantine with
friends instead of being with my family. During the months of March and

April, Manon and I carried out the
Educational Campaign "Valuing Water". This campaign has given me the
opportunity to learn more about water pollution, to learn how to use different
online tools to create videos and make presentations, as well as, it has been a
challenge for me to do the different talks in schools. I like to make talks and
I feel comfortable doing them in Spanish and Portuguese because they are
languages that I control, but to make these talks even if it was not a very
complex topic has been a challenge for me because I don’t have a high English
level, so it is more difficult for me to express myself and make myself understood