vineri, 10 octombrie 2014
„Sarbatoarea Castanelor”, sarbatoarea orasului Baia Mare, vazuta prin ochii voluntarilor EVS Ahmed Gunes si Duygu Ozcan
"Sărbătoarea Castanelor" is the greatest festival of the year in Maramures. All the activities are organized in Baia Mare, because it is the center of Maramures. The festival’s symbol is a cestnut and you can see a lot of cestnut trees in Baia Mare, that’s the reason. Also the festival symbolizes Baia Mare’s birthday, and it coincides with the end of september every year. This year the festival’s date was 26-28 of September.
This event began with a big convoy. Associations, players, students, athletes, folklore, band team... It have too many people and too many colours. The convoy starts from the New Center to the Old Center (Centru Vechi), I think the main idea is presenting us the history. When we arrived to Centru Vechi there was a big crowd and too many politicians. All sing the marches of Romania, Hungaria, Poland and Ukraine. And that’s just the opening ceremony.
At the festival were many stages in New Center and the Old Center where you could find a food, desserts, wines, beers, traditional clothes, accessories, gift shops and of course fried chestnuts. Also there is a funfair at the New Center. People are usually going around stages and buying something.
I think the evening activities were organized according of people’s age, because in the Old Center were theaters, operas and classical music concerts, but in the New Center’s concerts were with pop, rock and dance musics. We went to concerst of Corina, Fly Project, Voltaj, Deep Central, Vama, Smiley, Directia 5, Holograf and, of course, Inna. Mostly adults and old peoples were going to Old Center’s concerts, teenagers and youths were going to New Center’s concerts.
And there is a fair about plants, called `Expo Flora”. I went there onc, because if you want to enter you have to buy a ticket for 5 lei. We heard that Expo Flora is the main event at festival, but it think that changed in time. The people from Baia Mare love flowers and are many kind of plants at the fair.
If I didn’t mentioned the fireworks before, I have to, because it was something special. In each evening of the festival there were fireworks in the sky. Before the last concert of festival (Inna’s concert) it took about 15 minutes and it was so amazing.
After all Baia Mare is 685 years old now, happy birthday Baia Mare!
Ahmed Gunes & Duygu Ozcan
Turkish EVS volunteers
This event began with a big convoy. Associations, players, students, athletes, folklore, band team... It have too many people and too many colours. The convoy starts from the New Center to the Old Center (Centru Vechi), I think the main idea is presenting us the history. When we arrived to Centru Vechi there was a big crowd and too many politicians. All sing the marches of Romania, Hungaria, Poland and Ukraine. And that’s just the opening ceremony.
At the festival were many stages in New Center and the Old Center where you could find a food, desserts, wines, beers, traditional clothes, accessories, gift shops and of course fried chestnuts. Also there is a funfair at the New Center. People are usually going around stages and buying something.
I think the evening activities were organized according of people’s age, because in the Old Center were theaters, operas and classical music concerts, but in the New Center’s concerts were with pop, rock and dance musics. We went to concerst of Corina, Fly Project, Voltaj, Deep Central, Vama, Smiley, Directia 5, Holograf and, of course, Inna. Mostly adults and old peoples were going to Old Center’s concerts, teenagers and youths were going to New Center’s concerts.
And there is a fair about plants, called `Expo Flora”. I went there onc, because if you want to enter you have to buy a ticket for 5 lei. We heard that Expo Flora is the main event at festival, but it think that changed in time. The people from Baia Mare love flowers and are many kind of plants at the fair.
If I didn’t mentioned the fireworks before, I have to, because it was something special. In each evening of the festival there were fireworks in the sky. Before the last concert of festival (Inna’s concert) it took about 15 minutes and it was so amazing.
After all Baia Mare is 685 years old now, happy birthday Baia Mare!
Ahmed Gunes & Duygu Ozcan
Turkish EVS volunteers
miercuri, 13 august 2014
Jocuri de Vacanță
În perioada 12-14 august 2014, Centrul Greentin organizează la Şcoala Generală din Buşag, Tăuţii Măgherăuş, atelierul „Jocuri de Vacanţă”.
Programul atelierul se desfăşoară astfel:
- Marţi, 12.08.2014, între orele 11-14, se va organiza un atelier de confecţionat obiecte decorative din pet-uri;
- Miercuri, 13.08.2014, copii din localitate vor învăţa de la voluntarii SEV din Turcia, Ömer Alper Koroglu şi Aslihan Cicek, jocuri turceşti;
- Joi, 14.08.2014, copii din localitate vor învăţa de la voluntarii SEV din Turcia, Ömer Alper Koroglu şi Aslihan Cicek, jocuri turceşti;
Activităţile sunt realizate în cadrul proiectului SEV, Volunteerism in Europe.

Programul atelierul se desfăşoară astfel:
- Marţi, 12.08.2014, între orele 11-14, se va organiza un atelier de confecţionat obiecte decorative din pet-uri;
- Miercuri, 13.08.2014, copii din localitate vor învăţa de la voluntarii SEV din Turcia, Ömer Alper Koroglu şi Aslihan Cicek, jocuri turceşti;
- Joi, 14.08.2014, copii din localitate vor învăţa de la voluntarii SEV din Turcia, Ömer Alper Koroglu şi Aslihan Cicek, jocuri turceşti;
Activităţile sunt realizate în cadrul proiectului SEV, Volunteerism in Europe.

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